I’m a Christian.
I believe in God. I believe in Heaven and Hell and I know that God sent His one and only Son to save us.
No, that doesn’t mean that I reserve the right to judge. Anyone.
No, that doesn’t mean I reserve the right to discriminate against those who hold different beliefs than mine.
No, that doesn’t mean I’m “better” than anyone.
No, it absolutely doesn’t mean I’m perfect. Not even close.
It means I’m human and I make mistakes. It means that sin is sin is sin in the eyes of God. It means that Jesus commanded us to LOVE one another, and that’s exactly what I plan to do.
Is it always easy to love? Absolutely not. I’m guilty of struggling to take a step back and remember that love comes first. And with love comes the perspective I (we) so desperately need.
I can’t promise that I’ll understand every struggle you’re going through. I can’t promise I’ll never make mistakes or do the wrong thing. But I can (and do) promise you this:
I will give you an ear to listen, a hand to hold, a shoulder to cry on.
I will support and cheer for you in all of the times of your life, both light and dark.
I will love you. I will love you no matter who you are, what you look like, what you’ve done, or where you’ve been.
I will love you NO MATTER WHAT.
If you need someone, I’m always here.
And I will love you.
Disclaimer: I am blessed with an amazing support system, and I would not hesitate to…
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